The Impact of Mental Health on Employee Absenteeism: Why Ignoring it Costs Your Company More Than You Think.

Mental health is a critical aspect of an individual's overall wellbeing. It affects how they feel, think, and behave and can impact their ability to perform daily tasks, including work. When employees suffer from mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, it can lead to increased absenteeism, affecting not only their personal lives but also the productivity and success of the organization. This blog post will discuss the connection between mental health and absenteeism and how our company, The Space, can provide holistic mental health support to protect your employees and improve your company's bottom line.

The Impact of Mental Health on Employee Absenteeism

Mental health problems have become increasingly prevalent in the workplace, leading to increased absenteeism rates. Employees with mental health issues may take time off work to cope with their symptoms or to seek treatment. They may also struggle to perform their duties effectively, leading to decreased productivity and increased absenteeism. According to the World Health Organization, depression and anxiety alone cost the global economy an estimated $1 trillion per year in lost productivity. 

According to the World Health Organization, depression and anxiety alone cost the global economy an estimated $1 trillion per year in lost productivity. 

Mental health issues can also lead to physical health problems, further contributing to absenteeism. For example, individuals with mental health issues may have sleep problems or experience chronic pain, which can lead to more sick days. According to the Job Stress Index 2022, on average, an employee misses 6.5 days per year due to stress and stress-related diseases. Therefore, it's essential to recognize the connection between mental and physical health and how they impact each other, especially when it comes to absenteeism.

Causes of Mental Health Problems

Several factors can contribute to mental health issues in the workplace, including high job demands, low job control, and a lack of support from colleagues and managers. Employees who feel unsupported or overwhelmed at work may experience high levels of stress, leading to anxiety, depression, and burnout. Additionally, issues outside of work, such as family or personal problems, can also contribute to mental health issues and absenteeism.

How The Space Can Help

At The Space, we believe that providing holistic mental health support is critical to creating a healthy work environment and reducing absenteeism rates. Therefore, our approach to mental health focuses on addressing anxiety, depression, or burnout through bodywork and counseling. 

We offer a range of services to support your employee's mental wellness, including somatic therapy, nutritional coaching, breathwork, and embodiment workshops. Our approach is customized to your organization's unique needs and circumstances. By supporting mental health in the workplace, we can reduce absenteeism rates, improve employee wellbeing, engagement, and satisfaction, and increase productivity.


Ignoring mental health issues in the workplace is no longer an option. The cost of absenteeism due to mental health issues is too high, both for employees and for the organization. By recognizing the connection between mental health and absenteeism and providing holistic mental health support, companies can create a healthier work environment and reduce absenteeism rates. At The Space, we are committed to providing training and workshops to support mental well-being and create a more inclusive, happier, less stressed work culture. 


Mindful Work: Building a Supportive Environment for Mental Health


Beyond the Breaking Point: Understanding Burnout and Protecting Your Employees